Literary Escapes Podcast Episode 108 Exploring Illinois with author Kelly Ohlert

Ep 108: Exploring Illinois with Author Kelly Ohlert

Join us as we tour the US through books, one state at a time.

This week we are taking a delightful journey to the heart of the Midwest—Illinois—with author Kelly Ohlert.

Hear about deep dish pizza, hockey games, and urban northern beaches as Kelly brings us a slice of her childhood and shares the Chicago that’s woven into her stories. And you won’t want to miss the story of how an injured chicken strolling through downtown inspired her to write “To Get to the Other Side!”

Meet Kelly Ohlert

Kelly Ohlert author

Kelly Ohlert is a contemporary romance author. She’s a lifelong avid reader of all genres, and as a busy mom has an enthusiastic appreciation for audio books and multi-tasking.

Kelly grew up in the Chicago area, but moved to attend Western Michigan University. She stuck around Michigan, hopping from city to city. Her meet cute involved “borrowing” that hot guy’s baseball cap, and it’s been love ever since. She, her husband (the aforementioned ball cap owner), and their two young daughters reside in the Lansing area, with their menagerie of five fur babies. Aside from the obvious reading and writing, Kelly’s hobbies include belting out show tunes, game nights, losing her cell phone with alarming frequency, and getting outside to enjoy nature. If you meet her, approach with caution. She works from home, and in her cabin-fevered state, has been known to pounce on unsuspecting strangers to leach them of an ounce of adult conversation.

Listen to Episode 108 Here

Exploring Illinois with Author Kelly Ohlert

In This Episode

We had so much fun chatting with Kelly and here are some of the things we talked about:

  • Growing up in Illinois
  • Her favorite parts of Chicago
  • Beaches
  • Playing hockey
  • Discovering her love of writing romance
  • The real chicken that inspired her book
  • Loving fun facts

Books Mentioned in this Episode

To Get to the Other Side

To Get to the Other Side by Kelly Ohlert book cover

Let’s Get Quizzical

Let's Get Quizzical by Kelly Ohlert book cover

Only and Forever by Chloe Liese

Only and Forever by Chloe Liese book cover

Connect with the Author

Kelly would love to hear from you! Here’s how you can keep in touch with her:

Other Resources You’ll Love

More Books Set in Illinois

Books Set In Illinois with map outline of Illinois and stacks of books in the corners

Books Set in Illinois

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