Ep 78: Author Interview with Brynn Barineau
Today’s episode is a fun interview with author Brynn Barineau. If you’re curious about what life is like as an ex-pat living in Brazil and other countries, you’re going to love this episode!
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Meet Brynn Barineau

About Brynn
I’ve been a reader my whole life but only became serious about writing when I started blogging about my experiences as an American in Brazil shortly after arriving in 2006.
Then about a decade ago, I tried to find picture books in English about Brazil for my little Brazilian-American and came up with almost nothing. I expanded my search to chapter books, young adult and with growing disbelief I looked for any fiction book with a connection to Brazil.
My research made one thing clear. In the United States, it’s easier to find a book set in outer space than in Brazil.
Eventually she had a radical idea. Maybe she could write the book she wanted to find.
After nine years of writing, three polished novels, more than 150 query letters, two years out on submission to editors, Brynn’s first novel, Jaguars and Other Game was published in November 2022.
Listen to Episode 78 Here
In This Episode
I had so much fun chatting with author Brynn and here are some of the questions we got answered:
- How did you become an author?
- The culture shock of living in Brazil
- Contributing to anthologies about living as an ex-pat
- All about her newest book and what’s coming next
- and so much more!
Books Mentioned in this Episode
- Jaguars and Other Game
- Knocked Up Abroad
- Once Upon an Expat
Connect with Author
Brynn would love to hear from you! So, here’s how you can keep in touch with her:
Website: https://brynninbrazil.com
FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/brynnbarineauauthor
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brynnbarineau/
Other Resources You’ll Love
If you enjoyed this episode, then you’ll want to check out these ones next.
Ep 75: Books Set in South Africa
Ep 44: Interview with Author Laura Drake
Ep 23: Books that Inspire Travel with Elizabeth from A Suitcase Full of Books
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Let’s Keep in Touch
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