Ep 65: Author Interview with Winnie Winkle
Today’s episode is a fun interview with Winnie Winkle. If you’re a fan of fun paranormal or campy sci-fi, you’ll want to listen to this episode.
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Meet Winnie Winkle

About Winnie
She comports herself as a fabulous Central Florida broad who swills bourbon, likes dogs and cats, and practices yoga, but not with any degree of grace. Supporting live local music is a pretty big deal in Winnie’s world so if you pass a gravestone that admonishes, ‘Go see the band and hit the tip jar’, it’s probably hers. But, since she’s not dead yet, she’ll keep penning fun stuff to rock your reading chair.
Listen to the Episode 65 Here
In This Episode
I had so much fun chatting with author Winnie Winkle and here are some of the questions we got answered:
- How did you become an author
- How she did choose her settings?
- All about her newest book
- and so much more!
Books Mentioned in this Episode
- The Record series, Book 1 – Boogie Beach
2. Bongo & Delilah Break Daytona
Other Books Mentioned in this episode:
Connect with Author
Winnie would love to hear from you! So, here’s how you can keep in touch with her:
Website: https://wwinkle.com/
FB Page: Winnie Winkle, Author
Instagram: @winniewinkleauthor
Other Resources You’ll Love
If you enjoyed this episode, then you’ll want to check out these ones next.
Ep 58: Author Interview with Aria Bliss
Ep 59: Author Interview with Kerry Evelyn
Ep 47: Murder Mystery Book Recommendations
Here are 3 ways we keep up with our favorite novels and what’s coming out each month:
- Join Audible Premium Plus and get two free books. You’ll be able to listen to old favorites or new titles each month.
- And, you can try Kindle Unlimited Membership Plan for free for one month. You can find all the new books coming out each month.
- This is one of my favorites. With your Amazon Prime membership, you have access to their Amazon First Reads each month. One free, new book at the beginning of each month! Not a member? Sign up now and get one month FREE!
Let’s Keep in Touch
Thanks for listening to this episode. Let’s keep in touch!
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